Featured Artist : GUMI
Welcoming GUMI !

Beginning his artistic journey in 2022, GUMI (b. 2000) has quickly found a dedicated following. Apart from a solo show , participated in group exhibitions in cities such as Hong Kong, Manila, and Norwich (UK).
GUMI 於2020年開展藝術生涯。除了在日本舉辦個展外,GUMI 亦積極參與各大城市的藝術群展,地點包括香港、馬尼拉、諾域治(英國)。
The enigmatic charm of GUMI’s work lies in a medley of contradicting and complimentary qualities—allusions to anime, kawaii characters, nostalgic and soothing tones to construct a cool and humorous worldview.
GUMI 的作品受日本動漫和漫畫風格影響,可愛的角色配以懷舊、柔和基調,構建出與眾不同、冷酷而幽默的世界。
Portrayed in a distinctive pop and flat art style, the cryptic expressions of his characters create blank spaces which allow viewers to read a range of emotions and impressions from GUMI’s art.
GUMI 的藝術風格貼合普普及平面藝術,他筆下的人物大多面無表情,營造「留白」的氛圍,容許觀者想像一系列的場境與情感。